I should crack my head against a wall. Right now. Two days away from a new school year, and I've barely done homework.
But I'm too giddily happy to care~
The worst thing is, I don't get what I'm happy about. My beloved holidays is ending soon, A' levels is next year, and YJ refuses to invite me to her Kbox sessions x).
Though I'm actually looking forward to next year. There are many reasons, of course. Firstly, I miss moi school friends, heh. I miss going out for lunch in stinky grey uniforms with good old friends.
Second, I want A' levels to come and go quick. Right now I feel that I can take on A' levels, with all its ridiculously long mugging shifts, sessions of hair-pulling, endless migraines and such. I certainly hope this foolhardy attitude can last through the year.
Lastly, I will be eighteen next year! I might go for car-driving lessons. xD
Happy New Year!
a new blogskin for this blog, anyone? o__________o
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A rainy Tuesday at the library ...

Here's the same drawing from a different perspective. Both ways are fine, but I kinda prefer this one x):
And my scanner sucks. The original isn't this purplish, and there is more contrast. AND the lines are softer. Bleah. Bottomline: I'm trying to imply is that the original looks cooler x)

Oh and my dear sister accidentally sprayed a few drops of water onto the artwork, and caused some gray smudging near the monkeys. Sorry! Though I drew a bunch of grapes to cover up, so it isn't really noticeable anymore, hehe.
And finally:

6:50 AM

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
"Dismal December" comes again ... ...
Pessimistic: December vacation is half gone.
Optimistic: Oh boy, I have ANOTHER MONTH of vacation to go!!
So here is a little reflecting on how I've being spending my holidays ... it was GREAT.
No PW breathing down my neck, no promos after my life, no homework (at least, the obligation to do any), just plain olde slacking away!!
The best part is that I get to read a lot. No, not TIME magazine or NEWSWEEK for G.P, but, rather, reading for pleasure. Heh. The benefits of reading is seriously undermined - I think I have learnt at least fifty new words so far!
Some really useful words I have picked up:
odious - disgusting, hateable. may be used to abate someone whom you do not want to offend(assuming that his/her command of English isn't fantastic ... ...)
interminable - adjective to describe a period of time which is so long it is disgusting. Very appropriately applied to everyday life in the following way -
I survived an interminable lecture on Math today.
This tutorial is very much interminable.
I sat through an interminable wait for bus 66.
How I wish for an interminable nap right now. ( a little too dramatic though)
laconic - I don't understand why they created this word. It just means, "a one-word reply". And when writers do use it, it's usually like this:
"No." He replied laconically.
"Hello", was her laconic greeting to me.
"Woof." The dog barked laconically. (!?!?!)
Isn't it obvious that it is a one-word speech already?? Or maybe it gives a certain aura of taciturn-ness. Oh well, of course it may be used as:
I expected a laconic reply from the saturnite young man.
Too lazy to speak, I gave a not-even-laconic nod to the irritating old man.
Anyway these three words must be Agatha Christie's faves, 'cause she uses them all the time, along with, minxs, brown lean men (usually there is at least one in each novel, and usually they had lived in Africa at some point of their lives), adorable old ladies, odious middle-aged women, lots of Africa action, and the list goes on. Still, I enjoy her books XD
Of course then, there is CIP. Probably the only CIP I've done this year. I'm helping out at SGH!! Sounds cool right?
Probably I get to watch real doctors in action. But of course!
If I have to write a recount on my days in SGH, it would look something like this:
Day 1:
No of Oblulex I packed: 9 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 23
No. of times the phone was picked up: 4
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 1
No. of cuts sustained: 1 each on right index, middle and ring fingers
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 5
Day 2:
No of Oblulex I packed: 11 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 17
No. of times the phone was picked up: 2
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 3
No. of cuts sustained: 1 near my right index finger's fingernail. ugh.
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 6 and half
Day 3:
No of Oblulex I packed: 5 cartons
No. of Vitamin D I packed: 2 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 18
No. of times the phone was picked up: 2
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 2
No. of cuts sustained: one long one that stretched across 3 fingers on my right, 1 on my left ring finger knuckle ( which I still suffer now), another on left thumb, and a sprained back. Reason for extra-grievous injuries that day? I was doing the arranging that day.
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 6
... ... ...
And Day 4 is this Thursday. Of course what is written above is made up, 'cause I certainly don't have photographic memory, but as far as possible, I tried to simulate the real events.
Sigh. In melodramatic prose, the above would be:
On a dark and stormy night .... ...Trapped in a dingy, squarish white-walled room, me and my mates slaved over the cartons and cartons of Oblulex. Our job was very simple-all we have to do, is to openthecarton emptyoutthesmallboxes openthesmallboxes emptyoutthemedicene stackmedicenelikelego tiewithrubberband arrangeincardboardbox repeatstepsuntilcardboardboxisfull opennewcarton repeatstepone.
So anyway, we laboured over the continuous drone of ringing phones that NEVER get picked up, the odious ranting of stressed-up doctors, the naggings of the "pink transporter" ... ...
Of course, in normal writing it would be:
I went to SGH to do CIP and I packed cartons of Oblulex. Sure it was tiring, but we got to enter the "public prohibited" areas! Whee. We also get to eavesdrop listen to real doctors behind-the-scenes. In general, we felt sorry for this female doctor whose patient accidentally fell off a chair ... ... It seems that the patient planned to complain to the management or something, but the doctor was positive the chair was ok. Ah well.
Ok enough ranting OMIGOSH! This is probably the longest post I've written in my entire life. Congrats to you if you are reading this sentence. It means you've survived an otherwise interminable blogpost.
And, the last paragraph is dedicated to Mr Loh. Truthfully I dont know him well, apart from that he is my Monday P.E teacher. What I do remember: Jiani once commented his body looked unproportionate. Heh. And I didn't say this to be politically correct, but he really was a promising sports teacher and sportsman. Everything I knew about basketball, or even sports-related strategies came from him. And he teased Shelvi about her blue contacts!
May he rest in peace ... ...
Optimistic: Oh boy, I have ANOTHER MONTH of vacation to go!!
So here is a little reflecting on how I've being spending my holidays ... it was GREAT.
No PW breathing down my neck, no promos after my life, no homework (at least, the obligation to do any), just plain olde slacking away!!
The best part is that I get to read a lot. No, not TIME magazine or NEWSWEEK for G.P, but, rather, reading for pleasure. Heh. The benefits of reading is seriously undermined - I think I have learnt at least fifty new words so far!
Some really useful words I have picked up:
odious - disgusting, hateable. may be used to abate someone whom you do not want to offend(assuming that his/her command of English isn't fantastic ... ...)
interminable - adjective to describe a period of time which is so long it is disgusting. Very appropriately applied to everyday life in the following way -
I survived an interminable lecture on Math today.
This tutorial is very much interminable.
I sat through an interminable wait for bus 66.
How I wish for an interminable nap right now. ( a little too dramatic though)
laconic - I don't understand why they created this word. It just means, "a one-word reply". And when writers do use it, it's usually like this:
"No." He replied laconically.
"Hello", was her laconic greeting to me.
"Woof." The dog barked laconically. (!?!?!)
Isn't it obvious that it is a one-word speech already?? Or maybe it gives a certain aura of taciturn-ness. Oh well, of course it may be used as:
I expected a laconic reply from the saturnite young man.
Too lazy to speak, I gave a not-even-laconic nod to the irritating old man.
Anyway these three words must be Agatha Christie's faves, 'cause she uses them all the time, along with, minxs, brown lean men (usually there is at least one in each novel, and usually they had lived in Africa at some point of their lives), adorable old ladies, odious middle-aged women, lots of Africa action, and the list goes on. Still, I enjoy her books XD
Of course then, there is CIP. Probably the only CIP I've done this year. I'm helping out at SGH!! Sounds cool right?
Probably I get to watch real doctors in action. But of course!
If I have to write a recount on my days in SGH, it would look something like this:
Day 1:
No of Oblulex I packed: 9 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 23
No. of times the phone was picked up: 4
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 1
No. of cuts sustained: 1 each on right index, middle and ring fingers
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 5
Day 2:
No of Oblulex I packed: 11 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 17
No. of times the phone was picked up: 2
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 3
No. of cuts sustained: 1 near my right index finger's fingernail. ugh.
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 6 and half
Day 3:
No of Oblulex I packed: 5 cartons
No. of Vitamin D I packed: 2 cartons
No. of times the phone rang: 18
No. of times the phone was picked up: 2
No. of doctors who came in and ranted: 2
No. of cuts sustained: one long one that stretched across 3 fingers on my right, 1 on my left ring finger knuckle ( which I still suffer now), another on left thumb, and a sprained back. Reason for extra-grievous injuries that day? I was doing the arranging that day.
No. of CIP hours clocked up: 6
... ... ...
And Day 4 is this Thursday. Of course what is written above is made up, 'cause I certainly don't have photographic memory, but as far as possible, I tried to simulate the real events.
Sigh. In melodramatic prose, the above would be:
On a dark and stormy night .... ...Trapped in a dingy, squarish white-walled room, me and my mates slaved over the cartons and cartons of Oblulex. Our job was very simple-all we have to do, is to openthecarton emptyoutthesmallboxes openthesmallboxes emptyoutthemedicene stackmedicenelikelego tiewithrubberband arrangeincardboardbox repeatstepsuntilcardboardboxisfull opennewcarton repeatstepone.
So anyway, we laboured over the continuous drone of ringing phones that NEVER get picked up, the odious ranting of stressed-up doctors, the naggings of the "pink transporter" ... ...
Of course, in normal writing it would be:
I went to SGH to do CIP and I packed cartons of Oblulex. Sure it was tiring, but we got to enter the "public prohibited" areas! Whee. We also get to eavesdrop listen to real doctors behind-the-scenes. In general, we felt sorry for this female doctor whose patient accidentally fell off a chair ... ... It seems that the patient planned to complain to the management or something, but the doctor was positive the chair was ok. Ah well.
Ok enough ranting OMIGOSH! This is probably the longest post I've written in my entire life. Congrats to you if you are reading this sentence. It means you've survived an otherwise interminable blogpost.
And, the last paragraph is dedicated to Mr Loh. Truthfully I dont know him well, apart from that he is my Monday P.E teacher. What I do remember: Jiani once commented his body looked unproportionate. Heh. And I didn't say this to be politically correct, but he really was a promising sports teacher and sportsman. Everything I knew about basketball, or even sports-related strategies came from him. And he teased Shelvi about her blue contacts!
May he rest in peace ... ...
4:12 AM

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Whai agein??
Ai emu rateru disapuoante. Ai niuwu ai shudoun esupete macchu furamu eniteingu nuau, batte date dasente sutorpu mi furamu fiuringu ueaturalli, ueaturalli disapuoante. Whai du ai iven boateru doramin??
4:24 AM

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
this is crazy!!!
I think I lack determination and zeal ... a LOT. What have I done for the past few weeks??
I mugged 24 hours a day in preparation for promos (no choice-my life was at stake). It was hell, but hey, I was USEFUL. At least I was doing something!
But now I've degenerated into some kind of idle, spastic, babbling potato! I do nothing but
1. Watch FMA (I'm now at episode 37! woohoo!)
2. Watch sleuth-related drama serials
3. Play PS2
4. Play Xbox 360
5. Watch random Youtube videos
6. Roll around on a marble surface (when the weather is hot)
7. Space out in front of a fan
8. Set alarms at 3am so that I can raid the fridge at night.
9. Set alarms at 3am so that I can hog the computer and watch FMA. (plus the Internet runs faster)
10. Set alarms at 3am so that I can experience the "wake-up-in-the-middle-of-a-stormy-night-and-go-back-to sleep-again" thing.
11. Drink a reservoir of pomegranate juice.
12. Reread all the comics I have.
13. Reread all my old books.
14. Bathe in ultra-hot water and pretend to be in an 'onsen'
15. And in the process, take two hours to bathe
16. Read downloaded Inuyasha manga while waiting for FMA to load
17. Read downloaded Ranma 1/2 while waiting for FMA to load
18. Nap (and I don't usually have the habit of doing so!!)
You know, actually I've compiled a list of things I wanna do during the holidays, but my complacency is not helping me =_________= Someone fish me out of this vicious cycle please!!
Ahh! More pomegranate juice <3
I mugged 24 hours a day in preparation for promos (no choice-my life was at stake). It was hell, but hey, I was USEFUL. At least I was doing something!
But now I've degenerated into some kind of idle, spastic, babbling potato! I do nothing but
1. Watch FMA (I'm now at episode 37! woohoo!)
2. Watch sleuth-related drama serials
3. Play PS2
4. Play Xbox 360
5. Watch random Youtube videos
6. Roll around on a marble surface (when the weather is hot)
7. Space out in front of a fan
8. Set alarms at 3am so that I can raid the fridge at night.
9. Set alarms at 3am so that I can hog the computer and watch FMA. (plus the Internet runs faster)
10. Set alarms at 3am so that I can experience the "wake-up-in-the-middle-of-a-stormy-night-and-go-back-to sleep-again" thing.
11. Drink a reservoir of pomegranate juice.
12. Reread all the comics I have.
13. Reread all my old books.
14. Bathe in ultra-hot water and pretend to be in an 'onsen'
15. And in the process, take two hours to bathe
16. Read downloaded Inuyasha manga while waiting for FMA to load
17. Read downloaded Ranma 1/2 while waiting for FMA to load
18. Nap (and I don't usually have the habit of doing so!!)
You know, actually I've compiled a list of things I wanna do during the holidays, but my complacency is not helping me =_________= Someone fish me out of this vicious cycle please!!
Ahh! More pomegranate juice <3
3:29 AM

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Oh~ I love siestas.
Who doesn't?
They are best to be taken on a hot, lazy afternoon, preferably somewhere quiet and comfy.
It is so irresistible, sometimes people steal a taste of it in the LTs. Illegally, of course.
I adore siestas. And no, it is not some exotic mexican snack.
They are best to be taken on a hot, lazy afternoon, preferably somewhere quiet and comfy.
It is so irresistible, sometimes people steal a taste of it in the LTs. Illegally, of course.
I adore siestas. And no, it is not some exotic mexican snack.
7:57 AM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Why am I blogging ...
... when I have nothing to blog about?
(11 minutes later)
Oh yah. I got back my chem paper today. Nothing fancy, just a solid, really fortunate 45/100. Which means I get the pleasure of announcing to my parents, "Hey! I passed my very first chem test!"
I am in no hurry to get back my other papers, ESPECIALLY GP and E.lit. And math and bio. Wait. That just means everything.
This morning, I was stricken with an acute bout of Monday's blues (despite the day being Wednesday). I don't think I can feel the rationale for coming to school anymore. Maybe I need more time to adjust? 7 weeks of no school can do wonders.
Hmm ... just today I realised Stella has the same thoughts as me regarding XX. But what can we do about this? I guess not aggravating it further is a good place to start. Sorry for all the secrecy, as our lives are at stake.
I want Harry Potter!!! I wish 21st will come quickly. Hah, I think I'm more excited about the 7th book than my 17th birthday.
(11 minutes later)
Oh yah. I got back my chem paper today. Nothing fancy, just a solid, really fortunate 45/100. Which means I get the pleasure of announcing to my parents, "Hey! I passed my very first chem test!"
I am in no hurry to get back my other papers, ESPECIALLY GP and E.lit. And math and bio. Wait. That just means everything.
This morning, I was stricken with an acute bout of Monday's blues (despite the day being Wednesday). I don't think I can feel the rationale for coming to school anymore. Maybe I need more time to adjust? 7 weeks of no school can do wonders.
Hmm ... just today I realised Stella has the same thoughts as me regarding XX. But what can we do about this? I guess not aggravating it further is a good place to start. Sorry for all the secrecy, as our lives are at stake.
I want Harry Potter!!! I wish 21st will come quickly. Hah, I think I'm more excited about the 7th book than my 17th birthday.
6:19 AM

Monday, July 9, 2007
My birthday's coming soon!
Yup. Which means I'm another step closer to maturation XD.
Hmm ... people always say that we gain freedom once we reach adulthood. We'll spread our wings when we hit 21.
But is it real? Or is the reverse true? We lose freedom once we turn 21.
Two weeks ago, I met this uber-cute baby on the train. With really pretty brown eyes. And when he/she (gender undeterminable) saw me, he/she broke into a megawatt smile, with every single teeth (not that he has a lot) showing, as if I'm no complete stranger but a long-time-no-see friend.
A few days ago, there was this little cacausian boy with a haircut worthy of Paul Twohill in NTUC. He stuck out his tongue and shot me with imaginary guns. Complete with "bang bang!" sound effects.
As a child we can do anything, and people will still smile at us and say it is adorable. Ok, let's go back to example one. A really cute baby smiles at you. (Aww ...) Or, a middle-aged man in a business suit smiles at you.(OMG! ti ko pek!)
Or the second example. Boy pretends to shoot you. (Mischievous eh!) Man pretends to shoot you. (Cold sweat. Takes out handphone, *dials 999* "Help!)
The freedom kids have - freedom from others.
If we do something evil (not too extreme, of course), the adults will dismiss it as innocence. If we do wrong, we get forgiven more easily. We can do the can-can dance in public without feeling shame.
It's not just freedom from the burdens of adulthood, but too more importantly, from ourselves.
Why don't adults do the can-can dance in public? Because they fear of being laughed at by people. People will think that's crazy and will call Woodbridge or something. It is not because they can't do it, but rather they don't want to face the consequences. Their hurdle is themselves.
That's why children can do it. Dancing in public is not an embarassment. Smiling at random people is not harassment. Not being restricted by yourselves and others-isn't that a better definition of absolute freedom?
Hmm ... people always say that we gain freedom once we reach adulthood. We'll spread our wings when we hit 21.
But is it real? Or is the reverse true? We lose freedom once we turn 21.
Two weeks ago, I met this uber-cute baby on the train. With really pretty brown eyes. And when he/she (gender undeterminable) saw me, he/she broke into a megawatt smile, with every single teeth (not that he has a lot) showing, as if I'm no complete stranger but a long-time-no-see friend.
A few days ago, there was this little cacausian boy with a haircut worthy of Paul Twohill in NTUC. He stuck out his tongue and shot me with imaginary guns. Complete with "bang bang!" sound effects.
As a child we can do anything, and people will still smile at us and say it is adorable. Ok, let's go back to example one. A really cute baby smiles at you. (Aww ...) Or, a middle-aged man in a business suit smiles at you.(OMG! ti ko pek!)
Or the second example. Boy pretends to shoot you. (Mischievous eh!) Man pretends to shoot you. (Cold sweat. Takes out handphone, *dials 999* "Help!)
The freedom kids have - freedom from others.
If we do something evil (not too extreme, of course), the adults will dismiss it as innocence. If we do wrong, we get forgiven more easily. We can do the can-can dance in public without feeling shame.
It's not just freedom from the burdens of adulthood, but too more importantly, from ourselves.
Why don't adults do the can-can dance in public? Because they fear of being laughed at by people. People will think that's crazy and will call Woodbridge or something. It is not because they can't do it, but rather they don't want to face the consequences. Their hurdle is themselves.
That's why children can do it. Dancing in public is not an embarassment. Smiling at random people is not harassment. Not being restricted by yourselves and others-isn't that a better definition of absolute freedom?
7:55 AM

All fun's over.
Tomorrow will be the last day of enrichment week ... and I going to end it by attending a funeral. Life always throws surprises at you when you least expect it. Hey, that's why they are called surprises. So weird.
So anyway, I'm on quite close terms with this friend in ACJC, whose father passed on not long ago. So this complicates the matter a lot more. I'm torn between giving silent support or active consolation. Of course I prefer the former, for being not good with words. =______=
I'm turning emo already.
So anyway, I'm on quite close terms with this friend in ACJC, whose father passed on not long ago. So this complicates the matter a lot more. I'm torn between giving silent support or active consolation. Of course I prefer the former, for being not good with words. =______=
I'm turning emo already.
7:36 AM

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Common test is over!!
No wait it's not. But to me it is as good as gone ... since I'm all prepared for tomorrow's paper. To fail it anyway~
Oh ya, I've finally uncovered the secret identity of the mysterious-mayday-song-with-a-unique-rhythm-which-my-sister-heard-on-93.3. And ... it is ya guan!! yey. o_______________________o
Gosh, I have nothing better to blog on. What can be exciting during an exam period?
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about you.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag-backs!
1.I have an abnormally active (alliteration!) cranial jukebox. And it especially loves to play during exams. (e.g Mika Nakashima went "the dividing line ..." over and over again in my head during the math paper.) =__= And I have no control over it, it just goes. Sometimes it broadcasts songs I've never heard of. Maybe they got imprinted on my subconscious mind while I was mugging with the FM on or something ... Most of the time it is harmless, really. Except when it plays "Ye Shang Hai", complete with soprano vocals.
2.Whenever I watch movies, whatever genre it is, I will somehow feel inspired. *_* Maybe inspired isn't the right word to use ... it is more of a sudden realisation of my self-being. I will start thinking about why am I here, what I am doing, what do I want to do etc. This applies even to horror flicks.
3.I carry my umbrella with my left hand. I didn't notice this until someone asked. During those old days in ACJC, and because I was so bored, I copied notes with my left hand during Math lectures. Readable of course... Anyway, after three months of intensive training, I can write legibly with my leftie now XD I guess the standard of legibility is about that of my right hand ... when I was in Primary 1. Hah!
4.After much pondering over my past deeds, I think I enjoy change and new experiences. Which is not a good thing, because this probably means I'm frivolous. Nah. For example, long long ago, I was excited about going to RV(which on hindsight, is so wrong). When I was young, I often wished I can immigrate to somewhere else. Other times I wished I'm mixed blood.Of course, now that I'm mature (ahem), I'm contented with what I have ^o^
5.I'm not even halfway through? Ok nvm. My favourite flavor of cup noodles is TOMYAM. However, I can hardly withstand spicy stuff, so (alliteration again!) I always end up with a runny nose and teary eyes. But it's worth it.
6.My next favourite is LAKSA. The Penang type.
7.This is kind of a dark secret. Not really actually, hahs. Blame it on the mass media o.o When I was about 4 to 6 years old, I nearly killed myself trying to hang myself. No, I wasn't depressed or anything, I just wanted to find out how it feels to be in a noose. Which is nowhere near nice (Tada! Another alliteration).
8.I prefer odd numbers to even numbers, but I'm always lucky enough to get an even index number. And I have an even birthdate. And birth year.
9.I'm fickle. My "favourite colour" keeps changing, and it varies from one extreme end of the spectrum to the other. Likewise for my favourite music genre. Or my favourite bubble tea flavour. Before I liked tomyam I adored chicken.
10.I'm hooked on Taiko no Tatsujin. Which is a PS2 game, by the way. But playing the same old songs over and over again is sick.
11.Yey! I'm done! And I ended on an odd number. Hope this is entertaining enough eh (alliteration~)? Tired of the alliterations yet? Tralala~
I'm not tagging anyone because Waileng has already tagged everyone who ever reads my blog. But to play fair, here we go: Yujiao (remember to be honest!), Yiwen (Yo, erzhi!), Huan Hui, Nauh Iuh, Hiu Unha and Hui Jun (mah sister!)
Wait. I dont think any of the ppl I tagged knows the URL for my blog. Haiz.
Oh ya, I've finally uncovered the secret identity of the mysterious-mayday-song-with-a-unique-rhythm-which-my-sister-heard-on-93.3. And ... it is ya guan!! yey. o_______________________o
Gosh, I have nothing better to blog on. What can be exciting during an exam period?
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about you.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag-backs!
1.I have an abnormally active (alliteration!) cranial jukebox. And it especially loves to play during exams. (e.g Mika Nakashima went "the dividing line ..." over and over again in my head during the math paper.) =__= And I have no control over it, it just goes. Sometimes it broadcasts songs I've never heard of. Maybe they got imprinted on my subconscious mind while I was mugging with the FM on or something ... Most of the time it is harmless, really. Except when it plays "Ye Shang Hai", complete with soprano vocals.
2.Whenever I watch movies, whatever genre it is, I will somehow feel inspired. *_* Maybe inspired isn't the right word to use ... it is more of a sudden realisation of my self-being. I will start thinking about why am I here, what I am doing, what do I want to do etc. This applies even to horror flicks.
3.I carry my umbrella with my left hand. I didn't notice this until someone asked. During those old days in ACJC, and because I was so bored, I copied notes with my left hand during Math lectures. Readable of course... Anyway, after three months of intensive training, I can write legibly with my leftie now XD I guess the standard of legibility is about that of my right hand ... when I was in Primary 1. Hah!
4.After much pondering over my past deeds, I think I enjoy change and new experiences. Which is not a good thing, because this probably means I'm frivolous. Nah. For example, long long ago, I was excited about going to RV(which on hindsight, is so wrong). When I was young, I often wished I can immigrate to somewhere else. Other times I wished I'm mixed blood.Of course, now that I'm mature (ahem), I'm contented with what I have ^o^
5.I'm not even halfway through? Ok nvm. My favourite flavor of cup noodles is TOMYAM. However, I can hardly withstand spicy stuff, so (alliteration again!) I always end up with a runny nose and teary eyes. But it's worth it.
6.My next favourite is LAKSA. The Penang type.
7.This is kind of a dark secret. Not really actually, hahs. Blame it on the mass media o.o When I was about 4 to 6 years old, I nearly killed myself trying to hang myself. No, I wasn't depressed or anything, I just wanted to find out how it feels to be in a noose. Which is nowhere near nice (Tada! Another alliteration).
8.I prefer odd numbers to even numbers, but I'm always lucky enough to get an even index number. And I have an even birthdate. And birth year.
9.I'm fickle. My "favourite colour" keeps changing, and it varies from one extreme end of the spectrum to the other. Likewise for my favourite music genre. Or my favourite bubble tea flavour. Before I liked tomyam I adored chicken.
10.I'm hooked on Taiko no Tatsujin. Which is a PS2 game, by the way. But playing the same old songs over and over again is sick.
11.Yey! I'm done! And I ended on an odd number. Hope this is entertaining enough eh (alliteration~)? Tired of the alliterations yet? Tralala~
I'm not tagging anyone because Waileng has already tagged everyone who ever reads my blog. But to play fair, here we go: Yujiao (remember to be honest!), Yiwen (Yo, erzhi!), Huan Hui, Nauh Iuh, Hiu Unha and Hui Jun (mah sister!)
Wait. I dont think any of the ppl I tagged knows the URL for my blog. Haiz.
3:18 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007
Yey! I am officially UPDATING my blog! And I'm going to do this the Waileng way - short and random. Here we go!
Let's see ... I have a proper MP3 player now! And half the songs are Mika Nakashima's, almost all are in Japanese. But the good thing is it has FM player, whic probably means I get to listen to 93.3 more, and not go BLANK at K-box ever again! But this holds only if I bother to tune in.
What else?
Oh ya, went to a sleepover at Yujiao's house last Sunday. We (Yujiao, Stella and Yifei. And me) had steamboat, and oddly, most of the stuff floating in the pot was ROUND. There was chicken/mushroom meatballs, pork meatballs, ordinary fishballs, Fuzhou fishballs and tofu (which is square, actually)! We wanted to put tang yuan in too but somehow we forgot. Anyway, today after school I had Takoyaki, which is ROUND too. And at dinnertime, the main dish was ikan bilis soup with fishballs. To add on, I'm craving for Ferrero Rocher. Weird XD Maybe I should ask for psychological help - who else but Auntie DAAAAWN!!
Anyway that was the first time I had a sleepover, and it was great - apart from having only 3 hours of sleep and having to drag myself to a chem lecture early the next morning.
Did my chem VA today, and despite technical difficulties, I think my group did well XD
Of course, I don't deserve any credit because frankly, I didn't do much - only the UFO thingy and to draw the Ah-lien. Gah, but I do hope we will get a good mark, so that I wont die so badly for the promos!!
Ok! Hui Huan flies off to sleep now. Night!
Let's see ... I have a proper MP3 player now! And half the songs are Mika Nakashima's, almost all are in Japanese. But the good thing is it has FM player, whic probably means I get to listen to 93.3 more, and not go BLANK at K-box ever again! But this holds only if I bother to tune in.
What else?
Oh ya, went to a sleepover at Yujiao's house last Sunday. We (Yujiao, Stella and Yifei. And me) had steamboat, and oddly, most of the stuff floating in the pot was ROUND. There was chicken/mushroom meatballs, pork meatballs, ordinary fishballs, Fuzhou fishballs and tofu (which is square, actually)! We wanted to put tang yuan in too but somehow we forgot. Anyway, today after school I had Takoyaki, which is ROUND too. And at dinnertime, the main dish was ikan bilis soup with fishballs. To add on, I'm craving for Ferrero Rocher. Weird XD Maybe I should ask for psychological help - who else but Auntie DAAAAWN!!
Anyway that was the first time I had a sleepover, and it was great - apart from having only 3 hours of sleep and having to drag myself to a chem lecture early the next morning.
Did my chem VA today, and despite technical difficulties, I think my group did well XD
Of course, I don't deserve any credit because frankly, I didn't do much - only the UFO thingy and to draw the Ah-lien. Gah, but I do hope we will get a good mark, so that I wont die so badly for the promos!!
Ok! Hui Huan flies off to sleep now. Night!
8:03 AM

Friday, March 9, 2007
Movie Review: The Sushi Challenge
click here for synopsis of the movie
*essentially, this movie is about how four girls strive to win a sushi-eating competition.
rating: 5 STARS!!
This show is the BLOCKBUSTER of the century!! Now let me justify why:
1. Sushi
Who don't love sushi? This movie is a slick 2-hour footage of Japanese food. Absolutely delectable food. A warning though, you may feel a little sick halfway through the movie. Do bring a plastic bag along.
2. THE amazing feat
You'd just have to ask:"How did they do it?" 53 plates of sushi were finished by 4 scrawny girls within three hours! Watch how they gorge down insane amounts of sashimi!! Too, see how they tore up a piece of sushi and buried it in various places-
3. Green man (and his friends)
The green man, and his clan. Supposedly, NO COMPUTER EFFECTS WERE USED AT ALL. Yet in the show, they were seen doing unbelievable stunts, namely making plastic covers fly in the air and multiple sushi fly into their mouths. And teleporting plates of sushi off the conveyer belt at a velocity of 5 plates per second! According to the producer of the show, they have mastered the ultimate skill, EATALOTOFSUSHI. In fact, the green man had reached the 9th level of EATALOTOFSUSHI and could eat with an increasing acceleration of 2.5 sushi per second. Awesome!
4. Near perfect music
Title says it all. There were oldies by Ayumi Hamasaki, Every Little Thing and Yuzu used in the movie. However, it seems angsty and majestic orchestral pieces would fit the mood better in some scenes. *spoiler alert* Somehow it just doesn't sound right with Ayumi Hamasaki singing "Fly High" while the main characters were weeping in defeat and raising the white flag in surrender. *spoiler alert*
So here I will end my personal opinions on the movie. Best to watch the movie on an empty stomach-believe me.
DVD will be out soon!

click here for synopsis of the movie
*essentially, this movie is about how four girls strive to win a sushi-eating competition.
rating: 5 STARS!!
This show is the BLOCKBUSTER of the century!! Now let me justify why:
1. Sushi
Who don't love sushi? This movie is a slick 2-hour footage of Japanese food. Absolutely delectable food. A warning though, you may feel a little sick halfway through the movie. Do bring a plastic bag along.
2. THE amazing feat
You'd just have to ask:"How did they do it?" 53 plates of sushi were finished by 4 scrawny girls within three hours! Watch how they gorge down insane amounts of sashimi!! Too, see how they tore up a piece of sushi and buried it in various places-
3. Green man (and his friends)
The green man, and his clan. Supposedly, NO COMPUTER EFFECTS WERE USED AT ALL. Yet in the show, they were seen doing unbelievable stunts, namely making plastic covers fly in the air and multiple sushi fly into their mouths. And teleporting plates of sushi off the conveyer belt at a velocity of 5 plates per second! According to the producer of the show, they have mastered the ultimate skill, EATALOTOFSUSHI. In fact, the green man had reached the 9th level of EATALOTOFSUSHI and could eat with an increasing acceleration of 2.5 sushi per second. Awesome!
4. Near perfect music
Title says it all. There were oldies by Ayumi Hamasaki, Every Little Thing and Yuzu used in the movie. However, it seems angsty and majestic orchestral pieces would fit the mood better in some scenes. *spoiler alert* Somehow it just doesn't sound right with Ayumi Hamasaki singing "Fly High" while the main characters were weeping in defeat and raising the white flag in surrender. *spoiler alert*
So here I will end my personal opinions on the movie. Best to watch the movie on an empty stomach-believe me.
DVD will be out soon!
5:23 AM

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Rocking Horse Shoes DO EXIST!
To prove it:
credit to: refuse to be usual
Seeing is believing!! And I heard a store in Far East Plaza sells them. Maybe I should get a pair ... looks nice.

Seeing is believing!! And I heard a store in Far East Plaza sells them. Maybe I should get a pair ... looks nice.
8:09 AM

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