Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
n. disorientation when you step outside a movie theater into unexpected darkness, a twinge of jet lag from two hours of escapist fun which only diverts you from making the sequel to your youth—an old cult classic with wild shifts in tone, dropped subplots, major characters that appear out of nowhere only to vanish without explanation, and an ambiguous ending—but this time, it’s personal.
n. fear that your connections with people are ultimately shallow, that although your relationships feel congenial at the time, an audit of your life would produce an emotional safety deposit box of low-interest holdings and uninvested windfall profits, which will indicate you were never really at risk of joy, sacrifice or loss.
n. [Brit. wallesia] a condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, which is your brain’s way of checking to see whether they’re still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
: (

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
i was just thinking

Sunday, June 5, 2011
be brave

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
look to the right

sex shop

Monday, May 23, 2011
if I could

Sunday, May 22, 2011
I am painful and awkward and shy

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011
four days alone in latvia

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
don't look at me

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
on a useless dutch desktop
- Neil Gaiman
And they don't teach me how to be less selfish. They don't teach me how to stop moping over the scraped knees of my juvenile hurt heart. They don't teach me how to be brave.
Tell me it's okay to feel a little alone.

Monday, March 14, 2011
happiness junkie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
last-minute things before Stockholm

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
ze wonderful adventure of the useless midget
Nini, here is the sequel to China.
Leng, here is Excitement Galore, as you requested.
Oi Shan, don't freak out. (I heard shoes expand when you wear them often.)
NOTE: this post was made yesterday morning. A lot more happened. Another time.
Let's start with the wonderful.
Snow definitely wasn't what I was expecting. No knee-deep tracts of snow. (edit: I WAS WRONG.) Not at this time at least. You'd quickly learn that snow next to the road is grimy and black and best avoided, but if you stumble upon vast flat lands that stretch all the way to the horizon (as I saw on the Swebus), you'd see dazzling, obscene whiteness that you really want to hurl yourself onto.
I saw my first frozen lake, complete with fishing boats caught in stasis.
Walking on snow is Crunch Crunch, like walking on cornflakes. Not cotton wool.
Some of you would be glad to know that pimples dry up like magic around here (and so does your face and hands). Amazingly, the frizz in my hair just upped and gone like that. I can't stop touching my hair D:
The adventure. (Don't kill me, Oi Shan)
The gods have decreed that I be separated from the WKW bunch. They now live 3km south of school, while I'm 5km up north. That's 8km to Enforced Independence. I was half-horrified and half-nervous, although I was pretty annoyed to receive a scolding from my dad and an imperative to get myself transferred to a 1m-vicinity of the Others, immediately.
I've got myself a single room and an extra dose of hyper-vigilance (I couldn't stop fingering my room keys in my pocket, and I'm making plans to buy a heavy-duty chain).
Right now, I'm staring out of a giant window.
NTS: buy curtains.
It's 8:10am and I slept really well. I love my bed to bits. It's triple-layered with mega bouncing power, and I've got four pillows.
Down the hall, there are eight more rooms, all guys. I'm sharing the bathroom with a dozen dudes. My heart sank when I saw the classic "Previous User was Male and Cannot Aim Properly" syndrome in the two toilets on my floor. It's like having a hundred brothers instead of just one D:
NTS: buy female toilet signs.
The useless. (Don't kill me, Oi Shan)
When I got here, the entire floor was deserted. I was clueless, hungry and utterly useless. I was supposed to get online ASAP and contact the others, 8km down south, until my French neighbour told me we have to get access cards from school, the next day, to get Internet.
I wish to say I'm independent and brave, but truth was, I was bloody scared. I am 8km (don't laugh) from anyone I know, and I have no way of contacting them. I can't cook, I was starved and I have no Internet. That means no way of wiki-ing the bus routes to grab something to eat out. Which would be fruitless anyway, because my Japanese neighbour told me, in Japlish, that all the shops are closed.
There was this Chinaman from Room 5 (sharing with my Japanese neighbour), 25 this year, who was my Iron Enforcer of Independence. When I told him I can't cook and have got nothing to eat:
(imagine Sensei Stance)
Then Learn. You're Scared, But You Have to Learn on Your Own.
Then he proceeded to educate me on the Parts of the Kitchen.
I resigned myself to cup noodles. Btw, his name is Neko. Neko, and his roommate is Japanese bwahahahahhahahahahahaokayignoreme.
I went up to the 2nd floor and met a bunch of Hongkies and became best friends and ate burnt rice and Chinese soup for dinner and suddenly it doesn't seem too bad after all and I managed to borrow a computer to get Jeremy's number and I'm probably going to see the rest in 2 hours' time so exit. (EDIT: which I did. I spent the night at Xien/Shiying's place and made my way back in the early morning, when it was still dark. I have amazing mapreading skills/guesswork power/intuition/luck.)