There is something incredibly liberating about spamming greenades on a horde of zombies and watching them die. This post ish all about how to kill zombies with finesse.
Waileng cheated with her Cameron post. So shall I. Meeps, I am too lazy to produce any semblance of

(I drank all that)

(you'd only see this on Thursdays)
(D: nostalgia)
(vitagen is a flavour?)
(national school uniform : D)
(D: too literal)
(the horror)
(nearest mac: 5km away)

(all hail the great huan)
(the tile in the middle says "air-con" - it used to be a big deal : D)
(obscenely cute)
(new semi-Ds in the area)
(these dogs last had a bath five years ago)
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