Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rocking Horse Shoes DO EXIST!

To prove it:

credit to: refuse to be usual
Seeing is believing!! And I heard a store in Far East Plaza sells them. Maybe I should get a pair ... looks nice.


  1. LOL ok very cool! hahaha but the name very funny leh! and i'm the first to blog!! ... you need a tagboard... xD and a nice layout!! haha, nvm wat's impt is to get a blog first!

  2. huan ah huan, pls update ur blog and find a new layout! if u have trouble getting one, i can help u in extorting one frm wang jiani who would be more than happy to get extorted xD

  3. haaaan~ 讨厌 why you so 了解我~ people will get suspicious of our (暧昧) relationship you noe.... *blushes*

    Anw...*ahem* if you want a nice layout I can make one for you
