Friday, December 5, 2008

TV blues

After Project Runway ended it's run last Thursday, I've been in urgent need for new shows to keep me TV-happy.
But ze sigh. The closest contender to fulfill my needs was the Nyonya show on the Channel 8 primetime slot. The trailer promised the culminating point of forty years of Mediacorp goodness, the greatest epic with the longest list of homeground celebs ever to hit local TV yada yada. All I see is the same old family-feud story, along the likes of Tong Xin Yuan and Holland V (the one who started it all). Albeit with a spanking new cultural air. Except, I daresay, this show fails miserably in the realism department. Nothing irks me more than a spastic plot packed with flat caricatures they pass off as characters. And recycled plot elements. And creaky acting here and there. Take the evil-stepmother routine for an example. The family oppression plot device was pretty exciting the first time round, but another generation of the same ol' abuse gets stale. AND it's pretty infuriating to think, "Yay! The overly saintly Jeanette Aw is gone!", only to have her replaced with an equally saintly Joanne Peh (dressed in goody chiffon white!!). The two "English-educated" ladies also have their new-generation counterparts in the two ultra-spoilt brats who are siblings of the new saint. (On a side note, it still puzzles me how an "English-educated" gentleman can say "rubbish!" in an oddly Singlish way) My suggestion - just kill off all those stereotypes in a huge house fire and digress into a plot on how Charlie Zhang gets his butt roasted. The new-generation Charlie Zhang (his son) will probably take over as the new menace and resident villian ... but what the hell, he's cuter at least xD

Raaawr I need my TV-fix. Gib me cable TV please?

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