Thursday, April 8, 2010


I've never felt that much different from any other Singaporean kid, apart from here-and-there occasions when people comment that I don't seem local. (Variants include Chinagirl and Japanese.)
I've never felt that my parents are that much different from any other pair of Singaporean Chinese parents. And they aren't really. Except for a few anomalous traits which I've recently noticed:
1. My mum uses clear vinegar and can't stand the vinegar used in local hawker centres.
2. My parents swear by garlic chili made in Kampong Baru, of which they would buy twelve bottles every time we return to homeground. I hate that stuff.
3. We eat salty char kuay tiao.
4. Occasional remarks along the lines of "Aiya, Malaysia has better (insert name of dish)."
5. We pronounce "shi" as "xi". So "dian shi" becomes "dian xi".
6. We listen to 92.8FM in the car.

I never realised Red FM is based in Malaysia. By the way, they have hilarious radiomercials.
An example -
Male voice: Hey, can I have your sister's number? She's beautiful and my friend is fussy with girls! I want to introduce her to him.
Female voice: Oh, that was my mother! She is drinking XXX nutrient drink. It contains bla bla bla bla. For a healthier life and a more youthful look!
Male voice: Oh wow! I would like to buy it now!
The same female voice: Where can I buy a cheap aircon that is environmentally friendly and saves more than 50% energy, AND is quiet and efficient at the same time?
The same male voice: Go to XX aircon roadshow now! It is at bla bla bla. Get the cheapest and most reliable brands, all in one show!
Female voice: Oh wow! Let's go there now!
Still the same female voice: I need a loan, what can I do?
Finally a different male voice: Oh, have you heard of YY bank? They have a new and wonderful plan. You can bla and bla and bla. It's totally great!
Female voice (still enthusiastic, yes): Oh wow! Let's sign up for it together now!

It's as subtle as a 50s' TV ad. Win.
(Disclaimer: I have nothing against Malaysia)

Anyway, I just felt like reviving my blog, so there.

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