Monday, May 28, 2007


Yey! I am officially UPDATING my blog! And I'm going to do this the Waileng way - short and random. Here we go!
Let's see ... I have a proper MP3 player now! And half the songs are Mika Nakashima's, almost all are in Japanese. But the good thing is it has FM player, whic probably means I get to listen to 93.3 more, and not go BLANK at K-box ever again! But this holds only if I bother to tune in.
What else?
Oh ya, went to a sleepover at Yujiao's house last Sunday. We (Yujiao, Stella and Yifei. And me) had steamboat, and oddly, most of the stuff floating in the pot was ROUND. There was chicken/mushroom meatballs, pork meatballs, ordinary fishballs, Fuzhou fishballs and tofu (which is square, actually)! We wanted to put tang yuan in too but somehow we forgot. Anyway, today after school I had Takoyaki, which is ROUND too. And at dinnertime, the main dish was ikan bilis soup with fishballs. To add on, I'm craving for Ferrero Rocher. Weird
XD Maybe I should ask for psychological help - who else but Auntie DAAAAWN!!
Anyway that was the first time I had a sleepover, and it was great - apart from having only 3 hours of sleep and having to drag myself to a chem lecture early the next morning.
Did my chem VA today, and despite technical difficulties, I think my group did well XD
Of course, I don't deserve any credit because frankly, I didn't do much - only the UFO thingy and to draw the Ah-lien. Gah, but I do hope we will get a good mark, so that I wont die so badly for the promos!!
Ok! Hui Huan flies off to sleep now. Night!


  1. yar...the sleepover is great..haiz..i m SO UNWILLINGLY to go school tt next morning(becoz of that dumb chem VA)
    haha..ur UFO is also ROunD!
    hmm...have u found ur hp?
    HaPpY HoLiDay!

  2. omg i can't believe u updated your blog! i so can't believe it that i checked your blog one month after u've blogged! that shows how unbelieveable it is!

    and what do you mean by the waileng way huh? my way is NOT short and random! its lengthy and meaningful and philosophical! KAKAKAKA
