Thursday, June 28, 2007

Common test is over!!

No wait it's not. But to me it is as good as gone ... since I'm all prepared for tomorrow's paper. To fail it anyway~
Oh ya, I've finally uncovered the secret identity of the mysterious-mayday-song-with-a-unique-rhythm-which-my-sister-heard-on-93.3. And ... it is ya guan!! yey. o_______________________o
Gosh, I have nothing better to blog on. What can be exciting during an exam period?

Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about you.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag-backs!

1.I have an abnormally active (alliteration!) cranial jukebox. And it especially loves to play during exams. (e.g Mika Nakashima went "the dividing line ..." over and over again in my head during the math paper.) =__= And I have no control over it, it just goes. Sometimes it broadcasts songs I've never heard of. Maybe they got imprinted on my subconscious mind while I was mugging with the FM on or something ... Most of the time it is harmless, really. Except when it plays "Ye Shang Hai", complete with soprano vocals.

2.Whenever I watch movies, whatever genre it is, I will somehow feel inspired. *_* Maybe inspired isn't the right word to use ... it is more of a sudden realisation of my self-being. I will start thinking about why am I here, what I am doing, what do I want to do etc. This applies even to horror flicks.

3.I carry my umbrella with my left hand. I didn't notice this until someone asked. During those old days in ACJC, and because I was so bored, I copied notes with my left hand during Math lectures. Readable of course... Anyway, after three months of intensive training, I can write legibly with my leftie now XD I guess the standard of legibility is about that of my right hand ... when I was in Primary 1. Hah!

4.After much pondering over my past deeds, I think I enjoy change and new experiences. Which is not a good thing, because this probably means I'm frivolous. Nah. For example, long long ago, I was excited about going to RV(which on hindsight, is so wrong). When I was young, I often wished I can immigrate to somewhere else. Other times I wished I'm mixed blood.Of course, now that I'm mature (ahem), I'm contented with what I have ^o^

5.I'm not even halfway through? Ok nvm. My favourite flavor of cup noodles is TOMYAM. However, I can hardly withstand spicy stuff, so (alliteration again!) I always end up with a runny nose and teary eyes. But it's worth it.

6.My next favourite is LAKSA. The Penang type.

7.This is kind of a dark secret. Not really actually, hahs. Blame it on the mass media o.o When I was about 4 to 6 years old, I nearly killed myself trying to hang myself. No, I wasn't depressed or anything, I just wanted to find out how it feels to be in a noose. Which is nowhere near nice (Tada! Another alliteration).

8.I prefer odd numbers to even numbers, but I'm always lucky enough to get an even index number. And I have an even birthdate. And birth year.

9.I'm fickle. My "favourite colour" keeps changing, and it varies from one extreme end of the spectrum to the other. Likewise for my favourite music genre. Or my favourite bubble tea flavour. Before I liked tomyam I adored chicken.

10.I'm hooked on Taiko no Tatsujin. Which is a PS2 game, by the way. But playing the same old songs over and over again is sick.

11.Yey! I'm done! And I ended on an odd number. Hope this is entertaining enough eh (alliteration~)? Tired of the alliterations yet? Tralala~
I'm not tagging anyone because Waileng has already tagged everyone who ever reads my blog. But to play fair, here we go: Yujiao (remember to be honest!), Yiwen (Yo, erzhi!), Huan Hui, Nauh Iuh, Hiu Unha and Hui Jun (mah sister!)

Wait. I dont think any of the ppl I tagged knows the URL for my blog. Haiz.

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