Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stop looking at life from your childish and idealistic perspective.

Face it - this is known as cold, harsh REALity.
REALity dictates that we should all work 9 to 9 in (paradoxically) personalised cubicles.
REALity asserts that we should seek monetary reward in its various forms - more commonly, as the intangible assets of a bank account.
REALity says that "continually churning"out scholarly kids to repay our society should be one of our utmost priorities.
REALity ensures that we lead stable lives, effectively avoiding possible risks such as bankruptcy, loss of social function and miscellaneous bla which will result in crippling of finances and hence hurt our chances of survival in a competitive economy.
REALity makes sure that we won't lose face in front of our extended family, in particular fellow peers. However, REALity makes things interesting by deciding that some careers give more 'face' value than others. Hence, comes the commencement of a warped game of dignity, in which being a loser really sucks.

REALity is what's there, what's real. REALity shall be my future direction.

I would much rather do something else, but that's only 'cause I'm still immature. In time I'll look up to REALity as the mantra of truth, and live by it for the rest of my life.

At least I get to decorate my cubicle.

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