Thursday, June 19, 2008

I saw Soda Green live!!

(I blog because Waileng asked me to.)

So I'll start with my convo with Waileng on MSN ... at around 5pm I think. Actually, by that time I had already given up trying to poach someone to accompany there, and I had already decided that I shall give it a miss.

leng: :-O
GOGOGO (fear of getting murdered by Waileng: convincing power 70%)

me: im trying to contact yee bei T.T
her hp is off

leng: ur sis?

me: nah
on dear

leng: they will be playing u noe!
live! (free performance : convincing power 30%)

That's how I got 100% convinced to attend the session. So I did!
Of course there was the usual dilly-dallying, and I reached Bugis at around 6:45pm, which technically is considered early. BUT they were ALREADY THERE! They were fiddling with the instruments and equipment at that time. edit: turns out they had already performed two songs under the guise of "soundcheck". By then the crowd was already massive, so I settled for an awful right side/back view. Though that position was quite close to the stage. Then I realised I would end up with a blogpost filled with stuff like "I saw that Qing feng has a mole on the back of his neck!" So I shamelessly pushed myself towards the front of the stage, fervently hoping that people will pity me for my height. Oddly, I felt like an oba-san in a crowded department store during GSS period.

So anyway, they started performing, before seven, under the guise of "rehearsal". Due to my deficiency in height, I could only watch through the cracks in the crowd, so I could only see the guitarist and the bassist. Believe me, I tried! On tiptoe, it was slightly better. I could see the top of Qing Feng's head + the arm of Ah Gong (coz he was waving them about). It's quite regretable that I was so preoccupied with trying to catch a glimpse of them that I didn't really pay attention to the song (小宇宙) xD Anw, sometime during the song (or was it before?), Qing feng launched into a monologue about how people who aren't there for the music should leave immediately, referring to people who are flashing their lenses at them.
"the quote is in chinese, so please ask huihuan for a verbal copy"
From then on, anyone who flashes a camera will get this quote thrown onto them. Really, he was obsessive about it. Perhaps he didn't want too many momentos of his silver/purple hair.

So anyway, like true Singaporeans, everyone obeyed. Which was good, coz those irritating cameras were blocking me anyway xD

At that time my phone only had enough memory for 6 minutes of video, so I decided to record only 1 minute of each song, for the sake of variety. The next song they played was 記念. I still wasn't quite impressed then. I found an opening and squuezed further up front. For the very first time, I noticed the drummer!
And so, they moved on to 頻率. That's when I was really strucked by their awesome-ness. I can't explain why. Mayb it was those high notes (male whistle register lol). I was so enthralled I forgot to stop the recording at 1 minute. By the time I realised... the song had ended T.T So I had to delete a couple of videos (including a few yujiao vids) coz I SIMPLY CANNOT NOT RECORD THE OTHER SONGS.
Ah yes, the ex-girlfriend song. For 左邊, he walked off the stage to mingle with the audience. GAH. I was nowhere close to his mingling-radius. Nvm, I got to shook his hand later ^^. By this time I was almost fully converted into a Soda Green fanatic. It's cool that they can play so well live. Seriously, not many pop artistes can. *hint*
And those four songs were their set pieces. After that, the audience got to pick songs! I instantly got the ominous feeling that 小情歌 shall be it. And it was. Im not really fond of that song -.- Anw that was the climax of the event, coz everyone sang along ... with the right lyrics. At that point I felt like an imposter, coz I'm only familiar with that many songs (limited to the ones Waileng sent me). But that deters me not! From now on, I shall be a dedicated Su Da Lu Fanssssssssssssssssss!
Then the next song was to be their last one. I wished it would be 城市. T.T Most people screamed for ballad-ish songs, and Qing Feng complained xD. So they settled for 飛魚, and I was quite happy ^o^. Though I would be happier if it were 城市. But he did the cup-over- mouth effect for 飛魚 too, so all's good. In any case, here's when I noticed the weird antics of Ah Gong. He sticks his tongue out and shakes his head when he plays the viola o_____o. Then when he switches to the keyboard, he still kiaps the viola under his chin O___________O. Better yet, he can still bounce along while banging chords on the piano. Then when he has nothing to play, he still kiaps the viola in the same position, while swinging an arm along in an overhead half-clap. Dancer nature, tsk tsk. Occasionally, he will do some weird arm movements. Much like a jellyfish ... in Eygpt. But that aside, he's pretty pro xD
I still wish they sang 城市 T.T

So that's the end of the performing part. (No 城市. o____o)
Next was the mini-interview ... I have it all in my hp hohoho.

The last segment was the autograph session. I really was ready to head home then, but I had a strange urge to purchase their CD right there and then. Must be withdrawal symptoms xD. And so I did. Then Yee Bei(lol first mention of her) sublimely brainwashed casually mentioned that we might as well get their autographs. And I listened to her. But it was worth it!! I get to enter the mingling-radius of Qing feng xD. But I kinda wasted the chance, coz I only uttered three lines.
"Ya! *insert nervous laugh*"
"Ni hen ku4!"

"Wo xi huan ni men de ying yue!! *another bout of nervous laughter*"
But I did fare better than Yee Bei. She only spoke once hah.
That aside, I got to shake hands with all six of them! And like I mentioned to Waileng, I got to see them in full HD-TV glory. There's something inspiring about seeing celebrities up close, and I got to meet six in one go xD


...of me encounter with soda green. me want their concert tix. me want hear 城市 live.

Disclaimer: this blog post was not proofchecked for grammatical abominations. Yes yes, the post ended abruptly o______o.

It's 2:35am now. -_____________-

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