Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some things should be recorded down

With flair or without, that's no matter xD
This evening, I noticed a dubious letter from NTU atop the usual pile of bills and mags. I fully expected an early Good Friday addition to my collection of NTU-endorsed greeting cards (which I keep lovingly under a heap of dated magazines and assessment books).
Enclosed within was a letter:

Dear Ms Tang

Congratulations! The University Admissions Selection Committee has approved your application for admission to the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to read the following programme in academic year 2009-10, which commences on 11 August 2009:

Communication Studies (First Year)

Behold the words in bold. No interview, no essay, nothing. And barely a day after the closing date for university admissions? Surreality. But I'm glad~
*sings in joy: satsugai! satsugai!*

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