Tuesday, March 17, 2009

my dream

(This post is loooong overdue. Remember I had a scary dream after my harrowing Grade 5 theory exam? Well here's the draft I wrote of it but never got around to completing it:)

You know how singer-songwriters would dream about a melody one night and turn it into a sensational pop song the next day? (Famous examples include Angela Zhang's 夢裡花.)
Well it has finally happened to an aural fanatic like me! Perhaps all that brainwork during my theory test has finally tapped into the most obscure regions of sub-consciousness in which I might have astounding musical talent!
So anyway, this is the product of my talent:

Imagine PMS and Ho Dong and Haha and MC Yoo on a stage, dressed in sparkling white suits. Dancing. I remember clearly that PMS did a perfect V-split standing on his hands. MC Yoo had a bowler hat on. Ho Dong was doing ballet. I was in disbelief (so should you).
To me left. Wu Zun was looking at them, nodding in approval. He has a nametag on that says "Manager". He was giving verbal directions to Haha on how to moonwalk (??).
Back to the stage. The four guys were dancing the intro to a to-be groovy hiphop song. Wu Zun went up to them and gave guidance on singing (you must be low and indistinguishable like me!! oh yes). Then, abruptly, they started singing a 70s' style beach song in Fei Lun Hai's voices, aka unison singing with an incredible amount of off-pitching. The song was godawful - the lyrics was like:

Noo noo no, I am young and worldly
Ohh ohh oh, I am more than nobodeeeeeeeeey~~!!

I can remember the tune still. Egad.

(this draft ends abruptly here)

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