Monday, January 25, 2010

I am quiet and shy and quiet.

It seems so strange that I should be given a (mostly) positive appraisal for my speech o.o Honestly, I was coldsweating for COM205 because I've always known myself to be the classic quiet wallflower who can speak to a crowd only when the crowd is made up of ants. It's almost a violation of my internal logic that I can actually appear to be a decent speaker. It's just wrong.

Or maybe I got lucky.

Or maybe it's in my teacher's secret manual that thou shalt be nice to those without confidence because oh ho, that's what they need. Encouragement. Loads and loads of carrots (to Jiani: don't you start).

I'm not sure if I should be experiencing some epiphany of newfound confidence, because I don't, really.

(Here's a call for more alien sightings! I promise there would be no image management involved.)

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