Friday, July 9, 2010

the Hit List

I hereby declare that I'm going to capture the following people:

1. Lye Wai Leng
2. Wang Jia Ni
3. Wong Oi Shan (update: I spare Oi Shan because she actually has photos : D)
4. Xu Jing Hui

in photos, with every chance I've got.

This amazing brainwave came after a chance realisation that I would be 80 one day and I would find that there are no photos of the Youthful Me.
Like most girls, I grew up with hundreds of toddler photos. (All babies are photogenic, ya?) Then, the numbers dwindle mysteriously to the point where I shun cameras by reflex. I ostensibly believe that all my photos would turn out bad.
You know what I mean don't you : D
But today, I was confronted with the sheer alien-ness of five new tagged photos, OF ME, in my facebook feed.
As usual, Glam Meter near zilch. I'm still the awkward mess you find in candids (even in the posed ones).

But these are photos of me when I was nineteen : D

My point is, there is no need to look good in all your photos, friends. I shall spare no one. Ho. Ho. Ho.

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