Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my twentieth

I just have to blog about the wonderful people who made my birthday awesome. Totally didn't expect it, especially these few classic moments: Epic Phail Birthday Surprise (thanks to my godawful timing), my first Bollywood VCD (not just one, but three hot guys), Very Shag Day with People (you know who you are) semi-forcing me to buy souvenirs ("because it's your birthday!")and so on.
It's wonderful, really wonderful because you guys are out there, and you guys are people I really want in my life. These days I've been learning about appreciating people for who they are, precisely because I didn't do so. I'm regretting it so badly, but at least I know better now. Sometimes I think, SHIT I'm almost twenty and I still managed to make such a childish mistake? But then again, I cringe at my primary-school diaries (I called myself a Teen and was god-damn proud of it. Shoot me.) Back then, when I was writing it, I didn't think it was stupid. Of course, there are other mistakes which, till today, I'm still ashamed of. Which I would writhe in horror and guilt just to recall it. This is my latest mistake, probably my second-most-horrible one, so far, that I wish I can just erase off cleanly. But I can't, and post-mistake remedy is not going well.
For my birthday, I would like to pour all my Birthday Wishes and Luck into my efforts to at least soothe the open wound. And all my previous years' of Birthday Wishes and Luck, because I've never used them.
Please. It's my birthday. Please.

Sorry for being so sappy but it's my birthday ya? BO BIAN. I SHALL HAUNT YOU GUYS : D

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