Wednesday, October 27, 2010

when I emo

I feel like a proper pile of shit.
(Guess I'm ultranerd enough to feel shitty over a poorly done assignment.)

It isn't merely poorly done!
After all, what he expects:
Us running to multiple locations in Singapore. Try the weirdest-ass, the most ordinary, just as many as you can cover.
Peel your ears. Get the sounds. Marvel at your little sonic collection, write an essay on it with pride.

What I did:
Three days after the deadline, I just took sounds at Pioneer Station and some hotel at Chinatown (because I was there for another project. a core-module-therefore-more-important). I reused footage from a previous assignment, wrote crap to reach 1000 words and submitted it in mp3 format (because wav takes too long and I need to sleep).

Late and blissful shit. *bangs head bangs head bangs head*
I feel awful for having to disappoint Prof Permagnus. (who also happens to be Swedish and cute).

He's going to spend three hours tomorrow showcasing our masterpieces. Kill me already.


(S/Ued the module in pure shame.)

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