Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm in a spot-tey spot!

I should crack my head against a wall. Right now. Two days away from a new school year, and I've barely done homework.

But I'm too giddily happy to care~

The worst thing is, I don't get what I'm happy about. My beloved holidays is ending soon, A' levels is next year, and YJ refuses to invite me to her Kbox sessions x).
Though I'm actually looking forward to next year. There are many reasons, of course. Firstly, I miss moi school friends, heh. I miss going out for lunch in stinky grey uniforms with good old friends.
Second, I want A' levels to come and go quick. Right now I feel that I can take on A' levels, with all its ridiculously long mugging shifts, sessions of hair-pulling, endless migraines and such. I certainly hope this foolhardy attitude can last through the year.
Lastly, I will be eighteen next year! I might go for car-driving lessons. xD

Happy New Year!
a new blogskin for this blog, anyone? o__________o


  1. why she don't like you go kbox with her anymore? then won't she have no one to go with? xD i wanna go kbox!!! omg! let's go again before schoolwork gains momentum!!

    n hate to break it to you darling, but they raised the driving age to 21

  2. ya lor...why 21!!???
    i also wanna to learn to drive... ^^
