Friday, May 23, 2008

It's a gross misunderstanding.

I think I need to rethink my opinion regarding songs sharing the same chord progressions.

I guess music is not just about the harmony itself - after all, no one ever mistakes Zhang Shao Han's "Aurora" for Zhang Dong Liang's "Wang Zi".
The melody, the lyrics, the type of instruments used, the overall mood, the singer him/herself and other random stuff all contribute to the aesthetic quality of a song.

I shan't be picky. And I am no music elitist. Nor an audiophile. Nor Simon Cowell's closet fan.* Someone who can't play any songs on the piano without scores shouldn't be. Same goes for someone who plays the piano at a decibel value fit for mosquitoes. By the way, "Aurora" is quite a nice song. xD

*Actually, the main point of this post is to prove that I am NOT a Simon Cowell# fan. As Waileng might believe it to be.

#Simon Cowell is a cranky old man.


  1. Actually I'M a Simon Cowell fan! Lol! Ok lah not really, but I do like his mean barbs xD meanness rocks xDDDD
