Monday, February 16, 2009

the CYNIC appears

Woot I'm back.
Where was I? Only on the most fabulous slimming programme ever, the Flab-Losing Ultimate package! If you haven't realised, this has been the trend in our image-conscious little red dot. It consists of involuntary exercises of your tummy muscles (for your dream waistline) as well as slow heat over your entire body (burn those fats away!). The results are nothing short of amazing: I lost 2kg in three days when all I did was to roll around in bed / read Beedle the Bard two times / read my brother's storybooks / read my sister's biology notes / read the random manual for my new DVD player / try to read the Tamil version of the random manual mentioned previously. Too bad, admittance into this programme is dang exclusive, so don't try.

Let's move on to real content. Anyway, I've concluded that my blog has been decidedly cheerful, and it's time to put more weight in my words. You know, to give my blog this mysterious edge. No more skip-around-lala-I'm-happy Huan. You see? Huan has decided that she will look at the world in (deliberately made) smoke-tinted glasses. Don't worry, the effect is temporary.

(what you see below is mostly non-fictional.)
Which male teenager presented below is considered more fashion-urgh worthy?
Case A in point: The guy in a grey pasar malam Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, waist-high maroon pants, over-the-ankle school socks and sneakers
Case B: The guy I saw 2 seconds later, who was decked out entirely in Billabong merchadise. ENTIRELY.

Huan the Cynic says ...
Both induce uncontrollable retching and winces of agony. Exhibit A obviously shows no signs of EQ, for it was written in the hidden book of High School law that Thou Shalt Never Tuck In Your Shirt, Nor Wear Socks Above Thy Ankles. It is very likely that he was The Geek in school. Exhibit B, however, certainly knows that Billabong is one of the "accepted" brands of coolness that secondary school kids fawn over. But there's cool, more cool, and overkill. B must have no mind of his own. His peers probably have been feeding him with these notions of "style", and B has not only followed them ardently, he has followed them to the point of no return (there is no way for him to refund his Billabong cap, shirt, pants and bag now). Let's go back to A - still untainted and self-absorbed in his own cocoon of pasar-malam clothes. BUT!! with a little help from Auntie Dawn, A still has potential to be the next school hunk! B, on the other hand, might be forever stuck in his thinking that he is but the lackey of the cooler boys in school - for they owned more Billabong items than he did. How sad! At the very least A is unique, so I say B sucks MORE!

the end of teh pointless post

P.S. I'm dying for some Auntie Dawn humour!

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