Tuesday, February 10, 2009

dey first post after a loong long time

... and dey first driving and aikido lesson! Finally something in my life worth blogging about.
(I'm sure no one will be entertained by a post on how I'm jobless and moolah-less.)

Driving was kind of disappointing. No VROOM-VROOM madness. I'm surprised that my instructor did not expel me, when he had to say "You are too fast!", and "What lan eh, dont push so hard, will spoil the gear leh!", and "Oi, going too fast!", and "Eh, please dont speed round the bend!" and "Omg please dont touch the accelerating pedal anymore!" and various permutations of swearing and cursing revolving on me going faster than a chugging snail speed. I bet I can cycle faster!
Anyway, my teacher still deemed me suitable to try out driving on real roads (prior to that I was training in this random lorry carpark which was filled with more Toyata sedans than lorries). Real driving on the road? More Math test than arcade racing.

A typical mental journey goes like this-
Hands: Steering wheel on straight
Right leg: Slight presssure on accelerating pedal

*chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug*
(instructor: okay, STOP line ahead!)

Eyes: see that the first arrow is covered by the bonnet
Right leg: Move to brake pedal and apply pressure

*car lurches to a stop*
(instructor: omg you only press the brake pedal that hard in an emergency!
me: sorry sorry
instructor: Green light!)

Eyes: see green light
Brain: count for one second
Right leg: move to accelerating pedal, apply pressure
Hands: Crossover motion, to the right at moderate speed

*vroom rooo rooo rooo rooo rooo ..."
*car swings to the right*
(instructor: okay very good but can you don accerelate so much ah?
me: eh I think my right leg is very insensitive -___-)
*ooo rooom mm m ch chu chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug*

-repeat from above----^

So there. Driving is less thrilling than riding a tricyle. Just too many rules and short-tempered commuters to deal with -____- So let's move on to aikido!

What did I do on my first lesson?
First, to turn with style. Serious. Turn left/right/back, all covered.
Second, which is a lot more useful, is a toned-down simulation of mob fighting. Basically, three people will try to push their palms into your face and you must be ready to deflect them all.
Next, roll around. The proceeding half hour was filled with loads of rolling. Tuck and roll from the front. Tuck and roll from the back. Pay a roll of money for lessons. Pay another roll of money for e uniform. I used to roll a lot in kindergarten xD so this wasn't too difficult.
FINALLY, a basic aikido technique. Which involves pwning whoever who tries to grab your wrist. Very useful for kidnapper/mobster/gangster scenario ... not that I've ever met with such a situation -__-
Anyway it was still good fun. Dong anyone else wants to join me? x)

P.S. someone give me a job please!

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