Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ah, I don't get it again

Me - headache and an exceptionally acrid mood.
Today was a day of constant crossfire, with me firing pellets of "engineers work like hell and earn like shit!", and my opponent discharging rounds of "yar, lose face when all your peers drive larger cars than you do!".
Any passing remark (even on who gets to eat the mushroom curry puff) gets taken to be a caustic retort to godknowswhat and develops into a bout of toldja-so! and I'm-right-you-suck! and the like. Both parties claimed to be oracular and flung about visions of the glorious life (my side: of jetting to goodnessknowswhere everyday on the pretext of requirement; her side: of earning big bucks for doing nearly nothing and living in a condo and driving a posher car than anyone else).
If you listen to me, each will say, all these and more can be real. So we say.

need a break

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