Monday, March 2, 2009

when I'm not the first to think of it

The idea spawned and consumed me in an instant.
The spark came when I missed out one double-u in, and I was directed to this blog in a language my computer can't read. That aside, isn't it novel to have an address like that -
So I thought, I would like, but it was taken by this deeply philosophical random Iranian blogger. was seized by a Mexican (I think) who shares my fondness for parenthesises. (Pardon the irony.) and were adopted and forgotten, for they were but "experiments". They have horrible camo-green colour schemes. The same sucker took too, but at least there were characters on it. I refuse to acknowledge that stuf lik tis cn b counted as wordz ... neva ... neva wif mi
(disclaimer: this is personal opinion, not judgement of any kind. huan cannot be held liable)

And I spent the next fifteen minutes on a crusade of [w X x-variable] blog-hopping, encountering anything from proper blogs (, that of a Japanese student who obviously owns this blog as a practice pad for English) to utter nonsense, I like cheese too but I like your blog's name more).
There are loads of bloggers out there. Anywhere imaginable. (That's the mandatory cheesy realisation of a mature blogger.)
Anyway I've safely established that if I want a like blog name, I'll have to go for

The sad thing is, that exceeds the character-limit by one wubby lousy double-u. That's my spate of luck in recent hours, but I'll like to say with feigned optimism - I'm using up all my bad luck! YahoO! By a stretch of fallible logic, maybe I'm subconsciously accumulating my fair fortunes for the day that wilt maketh me. That fifth day of the moon. Whither shalt I go? Methinks, an I wert bright, I wilt go hither. Withal aplomb, I shalt go.

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