Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sometimes I am mightily glad to be Huan, possibly the only person on Earth who can be wholly distracted from the Disasters of Her World by a single cup of cheapo Hazelnut Chocolate Soymilk from Jollibean (which she personally thinks is a gawdgaudy version of Mr. Bean).

Or maybe she just has a highly attuned sense of relativity, a hidden protege of Einstein in the functional application of his thought. And she also has a propensity to kaypoh the pain of others, calling it an exercise in perspective.

Or maybe she's just a potential Ad Dude who accidentally brainwashed herself with nifty ad copies.

But no, she really isn't anything. *Sniff sniff* All she did was check her email two days late and got her groupmate into thinking she's a lazy ass in the bum of a huge pair of Nehneh who SUed the module and is going to put in zilch effort for group effort and is basically a Failed Member of the Human Race.


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