Wednesday, June 1, 2011

sex shop

I went into one while I was on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg.
It just felt like the right moment to have my First Time in one of these things, because
1. I was travelling alone and feeling particularly brave
2. I actually thought it was a bookstore at first because they put the books with tastefully naked people up front i.e. it looked non-seedy.
3. I had my passport with me to prove I'm over 18.

It was a fairly big moment for me, kind of like the time I realised that Jesus doesn't physically appear in the clouds on Good Friday.

And the experience taught me the extent of my ignorance.
The phallic objects and sex dolls I could understand, but there were these entirely mysterious objects that I had no idea where on the body they are meant to be used. I spent a good hour in there trying to work out the biology and physics of it all. The torture implements in the BSDM section were the most perplexing o.o

Where do you go to learn all these things? Even Wikipedia doesn't know that much. All the knowledge I received from the Sex Museum in Amsterdam wasn't enough.

Ah, the mysteries of the world.

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