Tuesday, June 14, 2011


... my passport sort of got into a mystical river storm of spins and suds, and it is now a two-piece thingy.

Ask me how I got through my flight to London : D

Right, don't get mad yet. Of course, the matter wasn't funny when I had to do all the post-tragedy rescue, which involves many many SKYPE calls to embassies on eternal lunch breaks, trips to police stations that actually close early on a Monday (wait, they even close??), and delicate operations to revive my dear passport yada yada.

But the reactions I get are so classic. Even the Jonko gang (namely Kangwei Xien Jeremy) appreciates it! And not so long ago I thought they couldn't stand me so much they would skewer me on a ten-foot pole and offer me to the God of Marzipan so that I'd be one of those sad Swedish cakes that is displayed forever but never sold so they don't ever have to be around me again. *breathes*
But now they actually miss me. I mean, who can possibly miss the Me that I am? But I digress. On to the good stuff!

Upon seeing a passport with pages detached from the cover:

1. Police officer at Jonkoping police station
me: Hi, can I possibly travel to London with this passport? *hands it over*
officer: What's wrong with it?
officer: Oh. Well you can still see your name and photo and everything.
*flexes the cover page*
*cover page peels off halfway*
officer: Oops. I'm sorry. Here's the number to the Swedish Embassy, it's in Stockholm ...

2. Check-in lady at Gothenburg airport
me: Hi, I would just like to check beforehand if this passport is okay for travel?
bored lady: Sure.
*picks it up with one hand by the cover*
horrifed lady: Oh no no no no no no no no no!

3. Customs guy at Gothenburg airport
me: Here.
*hands over passport through the tiny window*
guy: *looks at me with the whythefarkareyouhere expression*

4. Customs guy at London Gatwick airport
me: Hi, my passport is damaged, but the Swedish airport people called over and confirmed my identity.
(likely to be) young guy with a part-time job: *shrugs* so what happened?
me: I fell into the lake.
young guy: Woooah! *whistles*
[following interrogation were more on the lake than on whether I was an illegal Tiong immigrant]


So anyway I'll be getting a new one tomorrow, so cross my fingers that it won't be too troublesome.

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